Gweek watches as the boats are prepared for the trip to the Isle of Wight.
The fleet approaching the end of Lymington River.
The fleet again.
The Miracle, under the expert control of Brian, gets quite close to us - on the Lymington Ferry!
Scouts on the Bridge of the Lymington ferry 'Ceadmon'.
The Bridge of the Lymington ferry 'Ceadmon'.
Gweek on the Bridge of the Lymington ferry!
Water activities on Newtown River.
Canoeing on Newtown River.
More water activities...
At low tide the river gets quite muddy!
As there were 2 troops on camp we had a few tents! Here are some of the 7 patrol tents, 6 dining shelters, leaders tents and marquee that we used.
Another view of the campsite, at Shalfleet on the Isle of Wight.
Both troops line up for the final flag-down.
Most of the 36 Scouts, 2 Guides and 7 Venture Scouts that attended camp.
Lining up for raising the flag on a morning.
Saluting the flag as it is raised on the last day of camp.
Verity on the infamous blindfold trail.
The venture pulling crew at the inter-patrol regatta.
One of the canoeing races at the regatta.
Susan in the position that comes naturally to her.
I don't think Sophie won that race!
More dubious tatics were employed in many of the pulling races.
The Venture crew show how it should have been done.
At this point Verity politely points out that she thinks Jo. is a physicopathic helm.
Well, they're still sailing...
The opposing crew have an easier time the more stable Wayfarer.
Jo. proves the unstable nature of the Enterprise on the downwind leg.
Verity debates whether it's safe to get in the boat again.
A little bit of bailing is required!
Mooring the boats before the water (quite literally) disappears from under them.